Current Chapter Assignments (Algebra)

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A message to all of my Algebra students...I hope you are all healthy and taking care of yourselves.  This situation is the weirdest most unique I've been in in 33 years of teaching. It's all uncharted territory.  Let's all do our best to make the best out of it...Our School District has asked us to hold off on information about assignments and grades and testing until they can have enough information to create a 'policy'.  What I am going to suggest is not required, but is a suggestion for helping you with what you may end up missing as this school stoppage cuts short our amount of time together.  At the resumption of school we will pick up where we left off so what I suggest is for you to do the work from chapters 11 and maybe even 12.  Everything dealing with radicals will be most helpful to you in the years to come and I fear that we will not get to spend enough time on them.  More to follow as I get more direction.  

Stay well,

Mr. Steen


2019/20 First Semester

Work in pencil.  Show all steps.  Attempt all problems.  Check to see if your answers make sense. Label correctly and put a full heading on your papers...
Always due the next day, late work due by the time we test on that content)

Chapter 1 ALGEBRA Assignments
9-9     Fraction worksheet
9-10   Getting to Know You questions
9-11    Lesson 1-2 #s 1-14
9-12   Lesson 1-2 #s 15-29, 32-37, 46, 47, 68-71
9-16   Lesson 1-5 #s 1-14
9-17   Lesson 1-5 #s 15-36, 42-51, 56, 57, 67, 69-72
9-18  Lesson 2-1  #s19-57 odds, 70-77 all
9-23  Lesson 2-2 #s 1-16
9-24  Lesson 2-2 #s 18-56 even, 63, 65, 66, 77-82
9-25  9 questions about combining integers 
9-26 Lesson 2-3 #s 1-15 9-27  Lesson 2-3 #s 16-40, 50-52, 57-58, 66 9-30  Lesson 2-4  #s 17-55 odds, 60-61, 62-77 10-1  Lesson 2-7  #s 1-49 odds  10-2  #s 20-48 even, 50-51, 53-69 odds 10-3  Pages 110-114 #s 1-48 evens, 60-70 evens 10-4   Chapter 1 Study Guide (pg. 58-60, sections 1-2 and 1-5)#s 21-35 odds and #s 55-65 odds.   Chapter 2 Study Guide (pages 110-114, sections 2-1 to 2-4, and 2-7) #s 1-47 odds and 61-69 odds

10-7 (Monday)  Chapter 1 and 2 Test
          (1-2, 1-5, 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-7)

10-8  Go over Chapter 1 and 2 Tests

Chapter 3 Solving Linear Equations

10-9  Lesson 3-1 #s 1-28 all
10-10 Lesson 3-2  #s 15-39 odd, 51-55, 67-68.  Show all work.
10-14: Lesson 3-3 #s 13-38, 43-45, 52-53

10-15 Retest on Chapters 1 and 2

10-16  Lesson 3-4 #s 17-21 odd, 22-37 all
10-17:  Lesson 3-5 #s 16-41 all, 51, 52
10-21:  Lesson 3-5 practice worksheet 
10-22  Lesson 3-6 #s 2, 3, 19-36, 38, 39 
10-23: Lesson 3-8  #s 1-12
10-24  Lesson 3-8 #s 13-26, 28, 30, 34, 35, 38, 39
10-25 Study Guide and Review (pages 179-184) #s 1-6, 10-44, 50-53
10-28 Test Review/Practice

10-29 Chapter 3 Test (3-1 to 3-6, 3-8)

10-30:  Go over tests.  Start Chapter 4?

Chapter 4 and 5 Linear Equations

11-1 Lesson 4-1 #s 1-12, 13-35 odd, 37-44, 46-50
11-4 Lesson 4-5 #s 1-3, 17-37 odd
11-5 Lesson 4-5 #s 16-36 even, 49-51, 59-60
11-8 Lesson 5-1 #s 5-12, 15-33 odd
11-12 Lesson 5-1 #s 1-4, 16-36 even, 39-42, 49-52, 59, 60
11-14  Lesson 5-3 #s 15-39 odd
11-15 Lesson 5-3 #s 1-3, 14-38 even, 40-43, 51-55
11-18 Lesson 5-4 #s 11-33 odd
11-19 Lesson 5-4 #s 14-32 even, 34-37, 40,46, 47
11-20 Lesson 5-5 #s 15-51 odd, 61-63, 66, 67
11-21 Lesson 5-5 #s 1-14, 16-54 evens, 58-60
11-22Lesson 5-6 #s 1-3, 13-39 odd, 48-49
11-25 Lesson 5-6 #s 14-44 even, 45

11-26 Chapter 4/5 Test (4-1,4-5, 5-1, 5-3 to 5-6)

Chapter 6 Linear Inequalities

12-3 Lesson 6-1 #s 14-37, 40-45, 49-52, 57-58
12-4 Lesson 6-2 #s 13-30, 32, 34, 39-50, 56-57
12-5 Lesson 6-3 #s 2, 9, 10, 15-30, 35-42, 52, 54, 55

12-6  Retest on Chapters 4/5

12-9 Lesson 6-4 #s 1-13 together and then #s 14-39, 46-49, 55-56
12-11:  Lesson 6-6 #s 11-17 odds, 20-25, 27-35 odds, 47,48
12-12:  Lesson 6-6  #s 1-10, 12-16 even, 26-34 even, 40-45
12-13:  Study Guide and Review on pages 359-362 #s 2-40 even and 52-55. 12-16:  Review 

12-17  Test on Chapter 6


Chapter 7 Solving Systems of Linear Equations

12-18:  Go over tests, begin lesson 7-1
12-19: Lesson 7-1 #s 15-39 odd
12-20: Lesson 7-1 #s 16-36 evens, 41-50, 57, 58, 65-68, Graph 44-47
1-6:  Lesson 7-1 review
1-7:  Lesson 7-2 #s 11-25 all
1-8:  Lesson 7-2 #s 2-9, 26-30, 32-35, 39, 41, 42
1-10:  Lesson 7-3 #s 4-24 all
1-13:  Lesson 7-3 #s 25-36 all, 40, 42, 43, 45-53 odds
1-15:  Lesson 7-4 #s 13-24 all together for the first few... 

1-16: Lesson 7-4 #s 25-37, 45, 46

1-17:  Lesson 7-5 #s 13-27 odd, 41-49 odd

1-21:  Lesson 7-5 #s 12-28 evens, 33-34, 39-40

1-22:  Test Review

1-23:  Chapter 7 Test


1-29 to 1-31  Finals

Wednesday:   1st and 2nd period finals

Thursday:        3rd and 4th period finals

Friday:              5th and 6th period finals




Chapter 8 Polynomials

2-3:  Lesson 8-1 #s 1-14 all

2-4:  Lesson 8-1 #s 15-50 all  

2-5:  Lesson 8-2 #s 1-13  

2-6:  Lesson 8-2 #s 14-37

2-10: Lesson 8-3 #s 1-17, 19-41 odd  

2-11:  Lesson 8-3 #s 18-40 even, 43-57 odd, 62

2-12: pop quiz and read lesson 8-4

2-13:  Lesson 8-4 #s 1-14, 21-24, 25-51 odd

2-14: Lesson 8-4 #s 26-52 even, 55-57

2-19:  Lesson 8-5 #s 1-31, 45-46

2-20:  Lesson 8-6 #s 15-47 odd, 51, 53-54, 62

2-24:  Lesson 8-7 #s 1-12, 13-37 odds

2-25:  Lesson 8-7 #s 14-38 even, 39-43, 45-51, 56-57

2-26:  Lesson 8-8 #s 13-21 all, 23-37 odds, 41-44, 49-50

2-27:  Study Guide and Review

2-28:  Test Review

3-2:  Chapter 8 Test


Chapter 9 Polynomials 

3-3:  Lesson 9-1 #s 1-19 all

3-4:  Lesson 9-1 #s 20-26 even, 28-31, 32-60 even, 62-64, 67, 70-71

3-5:  Lesson 9-2  #s4-7, 16-29, 40-41, 76-81

3-9:  Lesson 9-2 #s 30-37, 48-59

3-10: Lesson 9-2 Practice worksheet, 13-15, 42, 43, 44, 60

3-11:  Page 486 Practice Quiz 1

3-12:  Lesson 9-3  #s 4-9, 17-33 odds

First Semester 2018

Chapter 1 Algebra Assignments
Work in pencil, show all steps, attempt all problems, check to see if your answer makes sense, & put full headings on your papers!

  (Always due the next day, late work due by the time we test on that content)

Sept. 6th:  Finish the pre-test
Sept. 7th:  Enjoy the weekend!
9-10: Fractions w/s
Chapter 1 and 2:  Language of Algebra and Real Numbers
9-11:  Lesson 1-2 #s 1-14
9-12:  Lesson 1-2 #s 15-29, 32-37, 46, 47, 68-71
9-13: Lesson 1-5 #s 1-14
9-14:  Lesson 1-5 #s 15-36, 42-51
9-17: Lesson 2-1#s 19-57 odds, 70-77 all
9-18:  in class review :  Read 2-2
9-19: Lesson  2-2 #s 1-16
9-20:  Lesson 2-2 #s 18-56 evens, 63, 65, 66 ,77-82
9-24: Combining Integers Worksheets/Lesson 2-2 #s 17-59 odds
9-25:  Lesson 2-3 #s 16-40, 50-52, 57,58, 66, 69-76
9-26: Lesson 2-4 #s 17-55 odd, 60, 61, 62-77
9-27:  Pop Quiz!
10-1:  Lesson 2-7 #s 1-49 odds
10-2:  Lesson 2-7 #s 20-28 evens, 50-51, 53-69 odd, 70-72
10-3:  Study for your tests!
10-4:  Chapter 1 and 2 Test.   Lessons 1-2, 1-5, 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-7

10-5:  Lesson 3-1 #s 1-28
10-8: Lesson 3-2 #s 15-39 odd, 51-55, 67-68.  Show all work.
10-9:  Lesson 3-3 #s 13-38, 43-45, 52-53  Show all work
10-10:  quiz and 3-4 intro
10-11:  3-4 #s 17-21 odd, 22-37 all, 41-47 odd
10-15:  Lesson 3-5 #s 16-41 all, 51, 52
10-16:  3-5 Practice worksheet
10-18:  Lesson 3-8 #s 1-12
10-19:  Lesson 3-8 #s 13-26, 28, 30, 34, 35, 38, 39
10-22: Lesson 3-6 #s 2, 3, 19-36, 38, 39
10-23:  Study guide and review #s 11-44, 50-53
Test on Thursday, 10-25

Chapter 4 and 5  Linear Equations
10-29: Lesson 4-1 #s 1-12, 13-35 odd, 37-44, 46-50
10-30:  Lesson 4-5 #s 1-3, 17-37 odd
10-31:  Lesson 4-5 #s 16-36 even, 49-51, 59-60
11-1: Lesson 5-1 #s 5-12 all, 15-33 odd
11-2:  Lesson 5-1 #s 1-4, 16-36 even, 39-42, 49-52, 59-60
11-5:  Lesson 5-3 #s 15-39 odd
11-6:  Lesson 5-3 #s 1-3, 14-38 even, 40-43, 51-55 (53-55 are tough....Are you, too?!)
11-8:  Lesson 5-5 #s 15-51 odds, 61-63, 66, 67
11-9:  Lesson 5-5 #s 1-14, 16-54 evens, 58-60
11-13:  Lesson 5-6 #s 1-3, 13-39 odd, 48-49
11-14:  Lesson 5-6 #s  14-44 even, 45
11-15:  Lesson 5-7: #s 2, 4, 5, 10-17, 29-33
11-16:  Lesson 5-7 #s 18-28
11-19:  Study Guide and Review for Chapters 4 (sections 4-1 and 4-5 ) and Chapter 5 (sections 5-1 and 5-3 to 5-7)
11-20:  Chapter 4/5 Test

Chapter 6 Solving Linear Inequalities

11-26:  Go over last week's test and start Chapter 6
11-27:  Page 317 #s 1-12 and Lesson 6-1 #s 14-37, 40-45, 49-52, 57-58
11-28: Lesson 6-2 #s 13-30, 32, 34, 39-50, 56-57
11-29:  Chapter 5 Retest (in class) and/or 6-2 Practice B worksheet
12-3:  Lesson 6-3 #s 2, 9, 10, 15-30, 35-42, 52, 54, 55
12-4:  Lesson 6-4 #s 1-13
12-5:  Lesson 6-4 #s 14-39, 46-49, 55-56
12-6:  Lesson 6-6 #s 11-17 odds, 20-25, 27-35 odds, 47,48
12-7:  Lesson 6-6  #s 1-10, 12-16 even, 26-34 even, 40-45
12-10:  Study Guide and Review (pages 359-362) evens ( except lesson 6-5 #s 42, 44, 46, 48)
12-11:  Chapter 6 Test (6-1 to 6-4 and 6-6)
12-12:  Go Over tests and begin Chapter 7

Chapter 7 Simultaneous Multivariable Equations...(!)
12-13: Lesson 7-1 #s 15-39 odd
12-14: Chapter 6 Retest and Lesson 7-1  #s 16-36 even, 41-50, 57, 58, 65-68, (graph 44-47)
12-17:  Lesson 7-2  #s 11-25
12-18:  Lesson 7-2 #s 2-9, 26-30, 32-35, 39, 41, 42
1-3:  Lesson 7-3 #s 4-24 all
1-4:  Lesson 7-3 #s 25-36 all, 40, 42, 43, 45-53 odds
1-7:  Lesson 7-4 #s 13-24
1-8:  Lesson 7-4 #s 25-39, 45,46
1-9:  Lesson 7-5 #s 13-27 odd, 41-49 odd
1-10:  Substitution/Elimination Review
1-11:  Graphing review
1-14:  Lesson 7-5 #s 12-38 even, 33-34, 39-40
1-15:  Test Review
1-16:   Test ReviewLesson
1-17:    Chapter 7 Test

Chapter 8 Polynomials

1-22:  Lesson 8-1 #s 1-14
1-23:  Lesson 8-1#s 15-50
1-24:  Lesson 8-2 #s
1-25:   Lesson 8-2 #s                  Retest on chapter 7 during bear time

1-28:  Finals Review
1-29: Finals Review
1-30:  Periods 3 and 6 Finals
1-31:  Periods 4 and 5 Finals
2-1:  Periods 1 and 2 Finals

FINALS January 30, Wednesday

Period 1 7:45 - 8:10

Period 2  8:15 - 8:40

Break 8:40 - 8:45

Final Pd 3  8:50 – 10:18

1stLunch  10:19 – 10:49

Period 4B  10:54 – 11:24

Period 4A  10:24 – 10:54

2ndLunch  10:54 – 11:24

Period 5  11:29 - 11:54

Break  11:54 - 11:59

Final Pd 6  12:04 - 1:32


FINALS January 31, Thursday

Final 4  7:45 -  9:13

Break  9:13 -  9:20

Final 5  9:24 - 10:52

(Buses leave immediately after school)

FINALS February 1, Friday

Final 1  7:45 -  9:13

Break  9:13 -  9:20

Final 2  9:24 - 10:52

(Buses leave immediately after school)

Work in pencil, show all steps, attempt all problems, check to see if your answer makes sense, & put full headings on your papers!

(Always due the next day, late work due by the time we test on that content) Feb. 4th-Lesson 8-1 and 8-2 Review Page 464-5  #s 11-28 odds

Chapter 8 (Continued) Polynomials

Feb. 5th Lesson 8-3 #s 1-17 all, 19-41 odds
Feb. 6th-Lesson 8-3 #s 18-40 even, 43-57 odd, 62

Feb. 7th-Lesson 8-4 #s 1-14 all, 21-24, 25-51 odd

Feb. 8th-Lesson 8-4 #s 26-52 evens, 55-57, 59-68, 71-76

Feb 15th- Lesson 8-5 #s 1-31, 45-46

Feb. 20th- Lesson 8-6 #s 15-47 odd, 51, 53, 54, 62

Feb. 21st-Lesson 8-7 #s 1-12, 13-37 odds
Feb. 22nd-Lesson 8-7 #s 14-38 evens, 39-43, 45-51, 56-57
Feb. 25th-Lesson 8-8 #s 13-21, 23-37 odd, 41-44, 49-50
Feb. 26th- Study Guide and Review (Odds) Pages 464-468
Feb. 27th- Review Day

Feb. 28th- Chapter 8 Test


Chapter 9:  Factoring

3-4 Lesson 9-1 #s 1-19 all
3-5 Lesson 9-1 #s 20-26 even, 28-31 all, 32-60 even, 62-64, 67, 70-71
3-6 Lesson 9-2 #s 4-7, 16-29, 40-41, 45, 76-81

3-7 Lesson 9-2 #s 30-37, 48-59, Skills Practice worksheet 9-2 (grouping)
3-8 Lesson 9-2 #s 13-15, 42-44, 60 & Practice worksheet 9-2
3-11 Lesson 9-3 #s 4-9, 17-33 odds
3-12 Lesson 9-3 #s 3, 10-16, 18-34 even, 35-55 odds, 64, 65
3-13 Lesson 9-4 #s 4-13, 15-29 odds
3-14 Lesson 9-4 #s 14-30 evens, 35-44, 51
3-15 Factoring review with partners
3-18 In class factoring work
3-19 First half of chapter homework due...Lesson 9-5 #s 17-43 odds, 53
3-20 Lesson 9-5 #s 16-44 even, 47
3-21 Lesson 9-6 #s 1-49 odds but not #15
3-22 Lesson 9-6 #s 2-50 evens
3-25 Study Guide and Review #s 1-63
3-26 Practice Test on Page 519 all

3-27 Chapter 9 Test

3-28 Go over tests Start Chapter 10

3-29  Retest on Chapter 9 (Best of the two....)

Chapter 10

4-9 Lesson 10-1 #s 1-9
4-10 Lesson 10-1 #s 11-29 odd
4-11 Lesson 10-1 #s 10-20 even, 36-40, 44-46
4-12 Lesson 10-2 #s 1, 3-10
4-15 Lesson 10-2 #s 11-33 odd
4-16 Lesson 10-3 #s 2-14
4-17 Lesson 10-3 #s 15-37, 54-55
4-18 Lesson 10-3 #s 16-40 even
4-19 Lesson 10-4 #s 1-12
4-22 Lesson 10-4 #s 14-27, 32-34, 37-45 odd, 46,47,55-56
4-23 Partner work on 10-1 to 10-4 review
4-24 10-6 #s 1-8
4-25 10-6 #s 9-20, 31,32, 36-38
4-26 Review 10-1 to 10-4
4-29 Lesson 10-7 #s 1-53 odd
4-30 Lesson 10-7 #s 2-54 even
5-1 Review Chapter 10

5-2 Chapter 10 Test

5-3 Go over tests

Chapter 11:  Radical Expressions and Triangles

5-6 Lesson 11-1 #s 4-10, 13,14
5-7 Lesson 11-1 #s 15-32, 39-41, 45-47, 52-53
5-8 Partner Work
5-10 Lesson 11-2 #s 4-13
5-13  Lesson 11-2 #s 14-25, 30-33, 38, 40, 52, 53
5-14 Partner Work
5-15 Lesson 11-3 #s 4-24, 35-38
5-16 Lesson 11-3 #s 25-34, 39-46, 50-53
5-17 Lesson 11-4 #s 5-37 odds
5-20 Lesson 11-4 #s 4-36 evens, 41,42,45-47, and 38-40 as a bonus…
5-21 Lesson 11-5 #s  13-31 odds, 37, 47-53, 63-68
5-22 Lesson 11-5 #s  14-32 evens, 38-42, 45-46 
5-29 Lesson 11-6 #s 1-10, 11-23 odd
5-30 Lesson 11-6 #s 12-24 evens, 25-28, 37-61
6-3 Lesson 11-7 #s 4-8, 19-33
6-4 Lesson 11-7 #s 9-18, 34-42
6-5 Lesson 11-7 #s 43-60

6-11 Chapter 11 Test 


Finals 6-19 to 6-21