Welcome to the Administration Page

We are honored to have the privilege of working at one of the finest high schools in the state. We have the great honor of working with a fantastic body of students, a very supportive community and a talented team of educators. We hope the answers to your questions are found via the various links on this site. Again, welcome to Olympia High School, home of the Bears!
Administration Topics of Interest:
Olympia High School has four administrators and a dean of students. Mr. Grant, our principal, oversees all aspects of the school’s operation. The three assistant principals and dean of students over see the daily management of student issues.
The following is a list of issues that are frequently addressed:
Much of our phone traffic is related to attendance policies and procedures. Please call us for specific answers to your questions regarding attendance procedures .
School Safety
We run regular emergency preparedness drills in our building. Those include fire, earthquake and lockdown drills. We work closely with our school resource officer and campus security staff to insure the safety of our students and staff. For more information regarding emergency information, please click here.
Classroom Issues
We expect our teachers to have regular communication with our students and parents. They will contact you directly with issues regarding academics or classroom management. You can visit teachers' individual web pages to find helpful information regarding their classes. We ask that you contact teachers directly via the staff phone and email directory when you have questions related to your child's class.
Current News
To get the most up-to-date information about happenings at OHS, refer to our web page. You will find the “Daily Bulletin” and timely events that are taking place at OHS. You can also click on the calendar to get information for upcoming events.
How Do I Contact the Office?
It is important to us that you are able to make direct contact with a staff member when you call us (no automated messages here). If you reach a recording, that means our administrative office professionals are helping others or our office is closed.
To reach our office professionals, contact the following staff: Receptionist – (360) 596-7000
Principal’s Administrative Professional – Wendy Rae (360) 596-7010
Ass’t. Principals’ and Deans Admin Professional (360) 596-7048
Attendance Tracking: Meg Goehle and Debra Champlin (360) 596-7003