
Dance Guest Permission Form

If you wish to bring a non-OHS student to a dance as your guest, before purchasing tickets complete the Dance Guest Form and adhere to the qualifications below:

  • All guests must be cleared in advance or they will be turned away from the dance.
  • All guests must bring a photo I.D. to the dance.
  • All guests must be under 21 years of age.
  • Students from middle schools are not able to attend.
  • If your guest has graduated or is home schooled, a copy of the guest's driver's license or ID card must be submitted with this form.


Turn your form in to the main Administrative office and an Administrative Assistant will give you a clearance slip to use when purchasing dance tickets.

Homecoming Dance FAQs

When/where is homecoming?

The homecoming football game is September 22 at 7pm at Ingersoll Stadium.
The homecoming dance is September 23 from 8:30-11pm at Olympia High School.

What do I need to bring to get into the dance?

You must bring your STUDENT ID and homecoming TICKET in order to be let into the dance. Your ticket must have your name on it (tickets are non-transferable).

What do I wear to the homecoming dance?

Homecoming is a formal event, so suitable outfits include a dress (long or short) or a suit. No specific attire is required, but dress code is enforced.

Do I need a date?

No! You can come to homecoming with a date, with friends, or flying solo. Everyone is welcome.

How do I buy tickets?

You can purchase homecoming tickets at the ASB office before/after school or at lunch. You CANNOT purchase tickets at the door.

How much do tickets cost?

Tickets are $20 for students with an ASB card and $25 for students without an ASB card. Tickets are free for students who qualify for free/reduced lunch.

What if I’m bringing a student from another school?

Visit the main office to pick up a clearance form for the guest. After the guest is cleared, you must purchase both tickets TOGETHER at the MAIN OFFICE.

What happens at the dance?

There is dancing (in the gym with a DJ), socializing (in the commons with all of your peers), and activities (in the cafeteria with fun games).

Can I leave and come back?

No. Once you enter the dance you cannot leave and return back later.