To reach attendance, please call (360) 596-7003
To reach attendance, please call (360) 596-7003
Approved Absences AND Extended Absences:
Parents and guardians should excuse all approved absences through the Attendance Office within 48 hours of the event of absenteeism. Absences that are not excused within 48 hours may become ineligible for excusal. Students involved in extracurricular activities should have their absences excused prior to 3:00PM the day of the absence.
Removing Your Student During the Day for an Appointment
Advanced notification to the attendance office saves disruption to the teachers, students, and staff in trying to locate the student on short notice.
- It is very important to understand that a parent/guardian must call AND the student must sign out/back in with the Attendance Office.
- PLEASE CALL the attendance office ahead of time to arrange those details.
- State your student’s name, spelling the last name.
- State the type of appointment: Doctor, Dentist, Legal, Professional etc….
- State the time your student needs to leave or approximate time your student will be arriving at school.
Please make sure your student knows the time they are to sign out at the Attendance Office. It is NOT Procedure to send reminder notes to students in class. Your student should tell their teacher at the beginning of class what time they need to leave. Your student then goes to the attendance office to SIGN OUT. The attendance office confirms that the student has prior permission to leave campus.
Acceptable Reasons for an Excused Absence
- Participation in a district or school approved activity or program.
- Illness, health condition or medical appointment (including but not limited to medical counseling, dental or optometry.
- Family emergencies (death or illness in the family).
- Religious or cultural purposes including observance or participation in a religious or cultural holiday or religious instruction.
- Court or judicial proceedings.
- Post-secondary, technical school or apprenticeship program visitation or scholarship interview.
- State-recognized search and rescue activities consistent with RCW 28A,225,055.
- Absence resulting from a disciplinary/corrective action. (Short-term or long-term suspension, emergency expulsion.)
- Absence directly related to the student’s homeless status.
- Principal (or designees) and parent, guardian or emancipated youth mutually agree upon approved activity.
- Mental Health
Extended absences
Those exceeding two consecutive days of school should be communicated first with the Dean of Students and then with instructors, at least two-weeks prior to the date range to be missed. This communication should always be paired with the comprehensive completion of the . Extended Absence Approval Forms can be retrieved from the attendance office during business hours or downloaded from the links here for students to print. Following the aforementioned Extended Absence Approval Form (pdf) guidelines is very important, as the process is directly linked to a student’s access to complete missing coursework and assessments. The signature of the Dean of Students must be obtained on the Extended Absence Approval Form prior to teacher signatures.
Requests may be denied in cases where the student has accrued instances of prior excessive absenteeism, the student is not in good academic standing, and when teachers and / or the Dean of Students are not provided advance notice.
The attendance office will NOT retroactively excuse single events OR extended absences once the 48-hour window has expired.
Excessive Excused Absences
Excessive excused absences may result in a Dr. note being required to excuse all absences (see Becca, below).
Becca will be filed on a student when they have reached 7 unexcused absences in a month, 10 unexcused absences in a year, or 20 excused absences in a year.
Truancy and Extracurricular Activities:
We value the opportunities that extracurricular activities can offer our students. We also believe that student academic investment is the first priority of our organization. Students that are unable to satisfy the basic attendance requirements outlined in our policies and the Student Handbook could become ineligible from participation in athletic and /or other extracurricular programs. Please use the Policy pages and the Student Handbook for a specific review of how absences and / or late entry may impact extracurricular eligibility.
Dean of Students
Our Dean of Students will followup when attendance procedures are not followed by students or parents. Link: Dean of Students