Olympia High School Choirs
General Choir Rules
Be in your seat at the bell with music folder in hand and pencil sharpened. Our rehearsals begin promptly at the beginning of the period. Tardiness and excessive absences cannot be permitted in choir. The school wide discipline and attendance policies will apply in class. No food or drink will be allowed in the entire music building and PAC. Restrooms use is permitted before and after rehearsals, not during.
Performances are an integral part of your learning experience and provide an opportunity for you to display your achievement. It is viewed much like a term paper or a final exam. Obviously, attendance at all performances is mandatory and is a major grading criterion. Exceptions will be made only in the case of serious illness. Your parent must contact the director prior to the performance.
Our concert schedule is posted online and is also attached to this syllabus. Concerts are held in the PAC and admission will be charged. Concerts begin at 7:30pm. Donations are accepted at the door. This is our only fundraiser and provides money for festivals, transportation, uniforms and stage equipment.
40% - Performances, Field Trips, and Other Activities: Grade is based on the average Daily Rehearsal grade. As stated earlier, attendance at these performances is mandatory. Please schedule vacation trips around these dates. Performance absences may only be excused in the case of severe illness where the director has been made aware of the absence prior to the performance. Make-up work may be allowed at the teacher’s discretion.
40% - Daily Rehearsals: This is how you are observed in the daily routine of rehearsing. Your attitude, effort and daily contributions all affect your personal growth and that of the choir. A minimum of 90% classroom attendance is required for full credit. Both excused and unexcused absences apply.
20% - Quizzes and Singing Tests: Everyone is expected to be able to sing their part and support the full choir. Vocal parts testing in small groups and recordings will be used to assess student progress. This may also include basic music theory and sight singing.
Music Folders
All students will be supplied with a folder. A sharpened pencil should be kept in your folder for daily score markings. No ink pens please. You are responsible for your folder and the music in it. You will be fined for any lost or damaged music.
The school will provide all students with a robe. Students are responsible for providing the following:
Tops: white t-shirt.
Bottoms: black slacks, black dress shoes, and black socks OR black dress/skirt (not longer than the bottom hem of the robe), black dress shoes and black sheer nylons. This is standard concert attire and it is very important that everyone look uniform in appearance.
All students are charged a $12 uniform fee for cleaning and maintenance. Checks should be made payable to Olympia High School and need to be turned into the ASB office by Friday, September 22, 2023.
Private Voice Lessons
Private lessons are not required, but strongly recommended. If you are interested please see me for recommendations.