When weather or other emergency conditions dictate the closure or delayed start of our schools, radio stations KGY (1240 AM), KGY (96.9 FM), KMAS (1030 AM), KXXO (MIXX) (96.1FM), and KAOS (89.3 FM) will broadcast information as soon as possible so that you will know to keep your child at home. Seattle television and some Seattle radio stations will be notified as well. Also, you can access the Public Schools Emergency Communication System at www.schoolreport.org for information.
Please do not telephone a radio station for this information.
Check the Olympia School District website for current information in the event of a school closure or emergency.
You can also access the Public Schools Information System at http://www.psecs.wednet.edu/

Earthquake Plan
The Olympia School District is located in an area of the world with a history of earthquakes. Earthquakes have ranged in magnitude from mild to severe. Because of this history, the Olympia School District has been reviewing its emergency procedures to address the steps to be taken to lessen the impact if an earthquake should occur. As part of the District's earthquake and emergency preparedness planning, the staff of the Olympia School District is working to keep our children as safe as possible. This plan will be implemented only in case of a major earthquake, (usually 5.0 or above on the Richter scale) accompanied by widespread damage to roads and structures within Olympia School District boundaries. In minor earthquakes, "take cover" procedures will be followed and vehicles will be driven to a safe location. If there is no reported damage to roads and structures, normal operations will resume.
Early Morning Emergencies
If the earthquake occurs during morning pickup hours, students not already picked up should be instructed by their parents/legal guardians to do as follows:
Students waiting at a school pickup point for transportation to another District school should remain at the pickup point and wait for directions from a school official.
Students, including those with special needs, waiting at a regular school bus stop, should be instructed (in advance) to return home if a responsible person will be there. An alternative might be to go to the home of the nearest neighbor where there is a responsible person present and prior arrangements have been made.
Middle-of-the-Day Emergencies
If a major earthquake occurs during school hours, buses will not attempt to pick up students at school or home until it is safe to do so. In the unlikely event that students are on a middle of-the-day trip at the time of the earthquake, the bus driver will attempt to drive to the home school.
If this is not possible, the bus driver will take students to Capital High School, Olympia High School or Reeves Middle School. Please note below to which of these three schools your child will be taken:Olympia High School , Centennial, Lincoln, Madison, McKenny, Pioneer, Washington Middle School.
Late Afternoon Emergencies
If a major earthquake occurs when buses are taking students home, drivers will return to the home school. If this is not possible, the driver will take the students to Capital High School, Olympia High School or Reeves Middle School, as listed, and wait for further instructions.
Out-of-Area Trips
Bus drivers on trips outside the District will attempt to return to the home school or nearest undamaged district secondary school (Capital High School, Olympia High School, or Reeves Middle School) and shelter students there until they can be returned safely to their home school. If return to the District is not possible, drivers will ask law enforcement assistance to shelter and feed the students until they can be returned to the Olympia area.
During an Earthquake
All school bus drivers have been instructed to pull to the side of the road, away from tall buildings, trees, street lights, and power lines, if possible. They have been instructed not to stop on or below overpasses or bridges, in accordance with earthquake training procedures.
Students will be kept on the bus because they are safer there. They will be told to take cover by putting their heads down between their knees and remaining in their seats until an “all clear" signal is given by the driver.
When the shaking stops, drivers will ensure that the entry doors to the bus are closed and go through the bus to check for injuries, calm the students, and render first aid where necessary. All school bus drivers have first aid and CPR training.
Bus drivers will then follow the plan previously outlined in this letter specific to the time of day that the earthquake occurred, i.e. early morning, middle-of-the-day, or late afternoon.
If communication cannot be established with the Transportation Center, drivers will seek further instructions from the school administrator at the nearest school. Students will not be allowed to leave the bus or school site unless they are picked up by a parent /legal guardian or other adult authorized either by the parent or school. Drivers will carry student rosters for their routes to keep track of students and report injuries to the Transportation Center or nearest school during the emergency.
After an Earthquake
Since telephone lines may be down, parents are asked to listen to local radio stations, including KGY (1240 AM, 96.9 FM), and MIXX (96.1 FM), for announcements, which will be regularly updated. If power is available, check the Olympia School District website: http://osd.wednet.edu for the latest updates.
If it is impossible to drive students back to their home schools by bus, students may be reunited with their parents/legal guardians at the high school or middle school identified earlier in this letter.
Please be assured that the Olympia School District is concerned about the welfare of all students and will take all appropriate precautions to protect the safety of students on buses in the event of a major earthquake or other emergency situation.
For further Information, please contact: Fred Stanley, Supervisor of Transportation
(360) 596-7700 email: [email protected]