Algebra 1


TEACHER:            Ms. Matthews Room 212

                            email:  [email protected]

TEXTBOOK:         Glencoe Algebra 1 (2003); ISBN# 0078250838


            Algebra 1 is designed to provide the student those skills necessary for the successful transition into Geometry and, eventually, Algebra 2.  Topics include the language of algebra (vocab.), linear equations and inequalities, polynomials, systems of equations, factoring, and radicals.


            Each student is required to bring his/her textbookpaper (regular and graph), pencilscientific calculator (TI-30 and TI-34 are good calculators for this class), and a math section of his/her binder (for notes, examples, homework) to each class session.


            Mathematics is an exciting, challenging subject.  One topic builds on another.  Daily participation is a must, and good attendance is critical to your success.  Any work missed due to unexcused absences cannot be made up.  School policy is followed as outlined in the Student Handbook under Attendance.  Each student should be ready to learn when the bell rings.


            1.  No food or drink in the classroom.

            2.  No headphones or cell phones in the classroom.

            3.  Use the bathroom outside of class time.

            4.  Tests/Quizzes are property of Ms. Matthews and must be returned after reviewing results. 

Failure to do so may result in a zero for the test/quiz.


            Breakdown of grades is as follows:                       Tests                                       45%

                                                                                    Quizzes                                    35%

                                                                                    Homework                                20%


            Grading scale is as follows:

            A            93-100%            B+         87-89%            C+           77-79%            D            60-69%                                     

            A-            90-92%            B            83-86%            C            73-76%             F            Below 60%                                   

                                                   B-            80-82%           C-           70-72%           



            Homework is intended to provide practice and to generate questions for class discussion and is graded on effort. Each assignment will be worth 5 points.  In order to receive credit for homework, all work must be neatly shown and completed for each question assigned.  Homework is due the next class meeting after it is assigned unless otherwise instructed. Late work will not be accepted.  Absent work will be awarded full credit if the absence is excused and the work is turned in within the same number of days as the absence.  Some time will normally be given during regular class time to begin that evening’s homework.


            Students should generally expect quizzes around the middle of a chapter to assess an understanding of the current unit’s concepts.  Chapter tests will be given approximately every 3 weeks at the end of each unit.  All test and quizzes are to be taken on the assigned dates.  Students who have a planned absence the day of the test or quiz need to make prior arrangements with me to take them.  If this is not done and a student has an excused absence the day of a quiz, they will make it up the day they return.  If they miss the day of a test, they need to make it up on their own time (before/after school).  If this is not done in a timely manner, they will receive a zero on the test/quiz.  If they are gone because of an unexcused absence, they will receive a zero on the test/quiz.  Everyone is expected to take the final.


            Homework and quizzes will not be allowed retake opportunities.  This policy stresses the importance of consistent effort in your daily work.  However, students may retake any chapter test.  The retake tests will be very similar to the original tests.  Retakes may be taken after school if pre-arranged.  Students must retake tests the following week after the original hand back day.  Failure to attend the retake opportunity for any reason will result in the forfeiture of the retake possibility for that particular test.


  • Though working together on homework and other class work is encouraged as a means to better understanding, copying of another’s homework or assignments shall be considered cheating by both involved parties. 
  • Talking or wandering eyes during an evaluation period shall be considered cheating.
  • Any behavior which, in the opinion of the teacher, causes a student to have an unfair advantage shall be considered cheating.
  • Removing a test from the testing place without permission shall be considered cheating.


            Students must maintain a passing grade to stay in the class second semester.  A minimum of a C range grade at the end of 2nd semester is required for advancement to the next mathematics sequence level – Geometry.


            If at any time you do not understand something, please ask!  If you need more help that cannot be provided during class, please make an appointment to meet with me before or after school.  I am available before school at 7:15 and after school until 3:10 unless I have a meeting.




            Sign your name below indicating you have read and you understand the class rules and procedures.  Also, have one parent/guardian sign below indicating that he/she has read these rules and procedures.  Please return this page to the instructor and keep the first page for reference throughout the school year.


Student Name (Please Print)                                                          Student Signature


_______________________________________            ____________________________________


Parent/Guardian Signature                                                            Date


_______________________________________            ____________________________________


Home Phone                                                                                Work Phone


_______________________________________            ____________________________________


Parent Email           

